We make this offering toward a world of people remembered
to their safe, free, well bodies.

We ground our work in decolonial antiracism and queer, earth-centric feminism.
Tended Root works in the unceded Indigenous land of the Cowlitz peoples.

Kate M. Hoyle, LMT #26887 (They/Them).

Hi - my name is Kate.

I work with the nervous system, where spirit and body converse. To offer more safety, center, and pleasure in your body. To resolve pain, holding patterns and the impact of trauma. To tend the thresholds of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and death. To unveil the poem in the body.

As a grief worker I move slowly. Listen for places that call to be seen, heard, held. Make altars and plant gardens for that which was lost, taken, violated. Call on the memory of the body to lead. Witness as healing travels through time and lineage.

I offer trauma repair toward the safe, equitable and joyous world that our ancestors and our children’s children deserve.

Pictured left. I am a licensed massage therapist, a poet, a postpartum and death doula, an integrative pelvic therapist, a somatic coach and a queer ima of two.

Roe Cohen, RN (They/She).

Hi - my name is Roe.

I offer this work to your freedom - for your belly, your pelvis, your mind, your laughter, your wings. Through touch and song, we access stuck places to reduce pain, increase pleasure and create connection in both your body and your psyche. To be able to see and transcend the constructs that limit you.

As a queer parent and Labor and Delivery nurse, I have felt in my body the systematic oppression of the medical industrial complex. My approach offers consent at the level of the nervous system. When the body has the chance, in a therapeutic container, to consent, or not consent to touch, that agency travels backward in time to moments calling for repair. Those places that have been violated can then be found, and gently tended back into safety. When we build healthy consent, we grow our skill and appetite for boundaries.

I want this work to radically alter your life. To make your body and your intuition your primary compass.

Pictured right. I am a labor and delivery nurse, an integrative pelvic floor therapist, a somatic coach, a birth doula and a queer parent of two.

We honor the lineages of our teachers, Erika Gagnon, Claudia Cuentas, Dr. Kathryn Kloos, Zoltán Gyorgyovics, and our parallel teachers, collaborators and inspirations in our communities, human and beyond-human, who keep, share and nourish this work.