Somatic bodywork, gender-affirming reproductive care.

  • Pelvic Floor Therapy

    Bless the bowl of the pelvis.

    Our pelvises house our creativity, our sex, our fulcrum for movement. Pelvic Floor Therapy tends to this vital center of the body through external pelvic massage, embodied consent for internal myofascial release (intravaginal, intrarectal), trigger point therapy, energetic clearing, and trauma release.

  • Fertility & Pregnancy Massage

    Bless the power of the body.

    Abdominal and full body massage to support conception and pregnancy. Somatic meditation to clear trauma and holding in the pelvis, making space for new life. Manual therapies to allow comfort and promote lymph health during pregnancy. A space for you to be held.

  • Postpartum Massage & Pelvic Floor Repair

    Bless the recovery of the body.

    This therapy attends to the physical, emotional and energetic integration of the birth process. The mess, the blood, the ache, this bodywork offers tissue healing, somatic witness, and knowing care for the body. Full body massage, Pelvic Floor Therapy, healing diastasis recti, lymph massage for lactation support.

  • Abdominal Massage & Visceral Manipulation

    Bless the bellies.

    Our abdomen houses the soft, vulnerable web of our organs. This therapy weaves traditional Mayan abdominal massage techniques with applied visceral manipulation to ease digestive issues, reduce menstrual pain, reduce anxiety, remediate scar-tissue after surgery, release shame, and to allow for relaxation and connection to self.

  • Somatic Bodywork

    Bless the memory of the body.

    Somatic conversation listens for the voice of your body. We follow physical sensation to find and resource places of need. This therapy believes that the body has its own memory, of joy, of trauma. When we ask the body what it needs to heal, so often they respond with clear requests. In pairing these meditations with manual therapy and emotional support, we address the root cause of physical ailments, access places of trauma and offer direct repair.

  • Queer Care

    Bless bless bless the queer body.

    As queer therapists, we are honored to offer this work to our genderqueer and Trans community, to tend to the trauma that our queer bodies often meet in this world. Recovering wholeness, autonomy and safety, and celebrating liberation in our bodies.